Example sentences of "be just one of those [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It should have been just one of those stories one dines out on afterwards , only the wretched woman thought I was being deliberately insulting and complained to the Management .
2 ‘ It is just one of those things , ’ said Adams , attempting to shrug off the ultimate disappointment for a jump jockey .
3 ‘ It is just one of those things , ’ said Francis .
4 This is just one of those things . ’
5 Animosity is just one of those things .
6 Peter Carberry , chairman of Hummersknott 's governors , said : ‘ I am very annoyed but it is just one of those things . ’
7 Mr Peter Carberry , chairman of the Hummersknott governors , said : ‘ I am very annoyed but it is just one of those things . ’
8 ‘ It is just one of those things which happens from time to time . ’
9 ‘ It 's just one of those things .
10 It 's just one of those things this society has suppressed , along with any other strong or extreme outburst of emotion .
11 Clint : ‘ It 's just one of those things where the implications are good .
12 That 's just one of those things at London .
13 He added : ‘ It 's just one of those things . ’
14 ‘ It 's just one of those things , so try to remember what it 's like next time there 's a panic on , eh ?
15 It 's just one of those things .
16 I do n't have to look too far back in there when we started this whole process , four or five years of throwing it all up in the air to say that I felt every pupil could comment in some way , something that they had enjoyed , something they felt they 'd been successful at , something they felt they found difficult , something that had pleased them , surely every child could comment on wo , if it 's just one of those things
17 But it 's just one of those things .
18 It 's just one of those things that happens at parties ; people do get drunk and they do do things they would n't normally think of .
19 So it 's just one of those things that you should know .
20 An aspect of the problem related to ignorance is that of apathy in the sense that a person says ‘ it 's not worth pursuing it ’ or ‘ let's just forget about it ’ or ‘ it 's just one of those things . ’
21 ‘ Listen , Laverne , it 's no problem , it 's just one of those things . ’
22 ‘ It ca n't be helped — it 's just one of those things .
23 ‘ It 's just one of those things , ’ says John , philosophically .
24 But ehm , they just do n't know what it was , it 's just one of those things that could of happened , they taken .
25 It 's just one of those phrases
26 But she 's just one of those women who do n't like leaving stuff around , you know what I mean ?
27 ‘ It 's just one of those dreams the urban yuppy like me goes in for , ’ he said .
28 It 's just one of those months .
29 ‘ It 's just one of those days . ’
30 He was a bad lot and it was just one of those things .
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