Example sentences of "[pron] just happens to be " in BNC.

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1 During the 1970s several teams attempted to refute this claim , arguing that the connection is a figment of Arp 's imagination , that it is an optical illusion caused by the overlap of isophotes ( light contours ) from the two objects , or that it is an illusion caused by a star or galaxy which just happens to be located between the two objects .
2 We sometimes surprise ourselves as well as our near and dear ones by suddenly exploding into unreasonable anger over a trifling offence which just happens to be the last straw that breaks the camel 's back .
3 We shall be considering The Prelude as a poem at the appropriate point in the Critical Survey ; for the moment I propose to refer to it simply as evidence of Wordsworth 's internal struggles and preoccupations , as if it were a diary or a letter to a friend which just happens to be in verse .
4 Most philosophical systems of ethics , and most popular moralizing , are radically flawed because they recommend morality to us either as what it is in our own best ultimate interests to do , or alternatively try to promote it by appeal to our feelings , for example feelings of compassion , or ( like Hutcheson ) by reference to some kind of moral sentiment which just happens to be part of human nature .
5 The user prepares a document using Berthold fonts and sends it to a bureau for output on an imagesetter which just happens to be running Hell-Xenotron 's Bridgit .
6 A random development , culturally reinforced , which just happens to be love rather than something else ?
7 The only thing they have in common is that they are all outgoing , extrovert , self-confident , irrepressible and generally sparky personalities — which just happens to be a pretty good recipe for attractiveness in a woman , as well as being the ideal make-up for sales . ’
8 Among the extra work which required a special piece of plant to be brought onto the site for one week and then returned 200 miles , there must be some extra work which just happens to be within the scope of a piece of plant which is already on site which would otherwise have been idle during the week in question .
9 Whereas normally people would have , in the O U P , U K , which just happens to be 6 out of 31 .
10 When these result in avoidable death , and they do , then it could be anyone who just happens to be there — employees , consumers , ordinary citizens .
11 Later I mention this encounter to an old friend who just happens to be a former service supervisor for the phone company .
12 Meanwhile Sir Clifford has engaged a nurse , Mrs Bolton … who just happens to be the village gossip .
13 This house was indeed built for a gentleman — it just happens to be on an almost miniature scale .
14 I know that 's very boring of me , but it just happens to be true , my dear .
15 It just happens to be legal . ’
16 Unless , of course , it just happens to be a Japanese burglar .
17 ‘ I happen to believe variety is the spice of life , it just happens to be that women end up victimising themselves a lot , or subjecting themselves to a lot of bullshit to get some sort of coverage .
18 When you do this what you will see in the cell is either a 0 ( meaning False ) if what is actually in B10 is n't Bach or 1 ( meaning True ) if it just happens to be Bach .
19 it just happens to be the same amount at exactly the same time but how nice of him to explain and how silly of us to be taken in by this string of coincidences .
20 j it just happens to be one that I know about .
21 In this case it just happens to be true . ’
22 Mine is not an isolated instance , it just happens to be the most famous , because it 's the first time such persecution has been exported to a western country .
23 But that 's , but that 's what I mean , they 're making , they 're saying let's make , when the white people make films black and white people watch them , they 're not specifically made for white people , not specifically made for black people , it just happens to be white actors .
24 ‘ Guy is not a yuppie , ’ Charles remonstrated , in the voice he reserved for humouring his little sister when she was being most irritating , ‘ He just happens to be a very successful … ’ her brother hesitated a fraction as if searching for the most appropriate description ‘ … entrepreneur . ’
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